From time to time a refund may be required for specific participant cases.
Refund information and arrangements are made available to clients/learners prior to enrolment through:
Skilled Up’s Student Handbook; and
Skilled Up’s website under the fess and information section
Refunds Due to Non-Provision of Services
A refund may be given for services not provided by the Skilled Up in the event the:
arrangement is terminated early, or
Skilled Up fails to provide the agreed services.
Course fees are to be refunded in full if Skilled Up Pty Ltd is unable to commence the course service as agreed due to a lack of minimum participant numbers or unforeseen circumstances.
Where Skilled Up Pty Ltd or a third party representative is unable to complete the course services due to unforeseen circumstances or closure, any course services fees are refunded on a pro-rata basis, with comparison of the course fees paid against the units of competency where services have been delivered.
Where there is an instance of Skilled Up Pty Ltd default due to unforeseen circumstances, Skilled Up Pty Ltd will endeavour to arrange for another course, or part of a course, to be provided to participants at no (extra) cost to the participant as an alternative to a refund. Where the participant agrees to this arrangement, Skilled Up Pty Ltd will not refund fees paid.
More information
Skilled Up’s Refund information can be viewed by selecting the pdf link below.